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Nurture Yourself, Transform Your Life 

My Story

A little over a year ago, I found myself having a conversation with an employee at Sephora, I never thought I’d have. I went in looking for a band aid to the teenage acne I had failed to grow out of. Frustrated and still insecure about the hormonal acne and scarring that sprinkled my 20 year old face, I was browsing for a new concealer that would do the job. Little did I know I would walk out those doors with more than just a plastic tube. 


I’d like to think of her in a way as my fairy godmother. Immediately when she came up to me, there was an unspoken recognition of my insecurities with acne, a familiar understanding of what I was going through. She didn’t have to say much, she just knew. “You remind me a lot of someone I know”, she stated, “Do you know if you have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)?” I didn’t know. I wasn’t even familiar with the phrase. But in asking me that question, she opened the door to a conversation that connected all the dots.


Symptom after symptom, struggle after struggle, it all started to make sense.  The chronic stress, fatigue, the unusual sugar and caffeine cravings at odd times of the day, the uncomfortable bloating after eating certain foods. None of it was normal. 


I left feeling relieved. For the first time, I felt like I somewhat had an understanding of my body and what I needed. I could finally be in control. She gave me her number and shared the list of supplements that she takes. After our conversation, I began to research and better understand my condition and the diet that was required for someone who was insulin resistant. Immediately, I noticed how I began to look and feel better. My journey toward healing had just begun. 


After my own experiences and battle with self-image, I want other young women who may be struggling to know they are not alone, but more importantly the symptoms and pain they experience are not normal and that they can take control of their health. 

Meet The Creator

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